2 Numerical study

2.1 Normalized distance

In this paper, we are mainly interested in the horizontal distance traveled by the projectile. We first need to determine the angle αs for which y as defined by Eq. (9) vanishes. This can be made by using the Newton-Raphson method with the initial value αs = -α0, corresponding to the solution in the absence of drag force. Therefore we compute

                        ∫ αk 2
            y(αk)        α  v (u)tan(u)du
αk+1 = αk - y′(α-)-= αk ---0v2(α-)tan(α-)--
               k              k      k

until |αk+1 - αk| reaches a value below a threshold, for example 0.01°. Once αs is determined, we compute d = x(αs) - x0 using Eq. (9), which is the horizontal distance.

From Eq. (10), we can see that αs only depends on α0 and the ratio v0∕vlim. We will now denote this last quantity the normalized velocity vnorm. In the same way, if we normalize d by the distance traveled in the absence of drag force, defined as

dref = v0 sin2α0,

then dnorm = d∕dref is only a function of α0 and vnorm, and it can be computed independently from the drag coefficient λ. Consequently, we obtain a general result, which can be used for the study of the influence of different parameters for any kind of objects and drag coefficients. The normalized distance is drawn on Fig. 2


Figure 2: Normalized distance dnorm = d∕dref as a function of the normalized velocity vnorm = v0∕vlim and the launch angle α0.

We see here the importance of using normalized quantities. From an initial problem featuring many parameters like the initial velocity v0, the terminal velocity vlim, the drag coefficient λ, the mass m, the launch angle α0, and the distance d, we have derived a result in which they have been all wrapped in only three terms, namely the normalized distance, the normalized velocity, and the launch angle.

2.2 Parametrization

In order to easily study and use dnorm, we need to parametrize it, i.e. find an optimal set of parameters and functions that can fit its shape.

For α0 fixed, we tried to describe dnorm as a function of vnorm using a Gaussian profile or a Lorentz profile, but the agreement was rather poor. We then tried using a Pearson VII function, which is an approximation of a Voigt profile:

       (        2   )- M
dnorm =   1+ K2 vnorm-     .

For M = 1, this reduces to a Lorentz profile, and for M →∞, it is a Gaussian profile (see annex A). The agreement is very good, as it can be seen on Fig. 3 for α0 = 45°.


Figure 3: Normalized distance as a function of the normalized velocity for α0 = 45°: calculation et fit using a Pearson VII function.

Parameters K and M are functions of α0, their respective variations are plotted on Figs. 4 and 5.


Figure 4: Parameter K as a function of the launch angle α0.


Figure 5: Parameter M as a function of the launch angle α0.

They can easily be fitted using polynomials PN(α0) = i=0i=Na iα0i of degrees 3 and 2, which coefficients ai are given in table 1.

a0 a1 a2 a3

Parameter K 0.24207 1.56854 -1.16548 0.26454

Parameter M 0.675688 0.046397 0.031539

Table 1: Coefficients of the polynomials describing K(α0) and M(α0) (for α0 in radians).

Using coefficients of table 1 and Eq. (12), we managed to retrieve values calculated for Fig. 2 with a relative error lower than 0.2%. We can thus consider that the calculation of the horizontal traveled distance has been considerably simplified by comparison with the initial problem, whose solution required the numerical evaluation of Eq. (9) after Eq. (10) was solved. Respective influences of v0, vlim and αO can now be studied without difficulty.

2.3 Example of application

We are interested in the influence of the launch angle on the horizontal distance. In the absence of drag force, the distance is given by Eq. (11), its maximum is achived for α0 = 45°, and the distance traveled will be the same for α0 = 45°±φ, with 0 < φ < 45°. If we take the drag force into account, the distance will no longer be symmetric with respect to α0 = 45°, and a rapid observation of Fig. 2 tends to show that the distance will be greater for angles below 45°, what we may also intuitively think. Nevertheless, it should be noted that launch angles leading to the longest distance may be greater than 45° in some cases [8].

In the present case, using the work of section 2.2, we can easily compute d for a fixed v0 by varying α0, then search for which value αO d reaches its maximum. This particular value of α0 will be called the optimal launch angle. We perform our computation for a baseball [156] with λ∕m = 0.005376 m-1, i.e. vlim = 42.7 ms-1 and v0 = vnorm.vlim. Results are presented on Fig. 6.


Figure 6: Optimal launch angle as a function of v0 for vlim = 42.7 ms-1.

This confirm that as v0 increases, the optimal launch angle decreases.

The shape of the curve encourages us to once again try a fit with a Pearson function: αmax = h(     2v20)
 1+ K  M---M. We set h = 45°, and the optimisation of the two others parameters leads to K = 0.0085864 sm-1 and M = 0.1366571, which gives a maximal relative error smaller than 0.08% ! The choice of this function is thus validated.

As a last point, it should be stressed that using normalized quantities for solving physical problems sould not lead to overlook real quantities limits. In Sec. 1, it was pointed out that the domain of validity for the quadratic drag force hypothesis was dependant on the Reynolds number Re. For a baseball, we found that the velocity should not exceed 53 ms-1, hence points calculated above this limit were grayed out on Fig. 6. The fact that they are well fitted using the previoulsy described Pearson function does not enforce in any way an extension of the domain of validity for the quadratic drag force hypothesis.